Tips for Early Career Success in Healthcare PR
Meet Jenna Kane! A former pharmaceutical sales rep turned Public Relations pro, she knows what it takes to make an impact in the Healthcare Communications industry.
We asked Jenna to share tips for success and getting started in the world of public relations:
💭 You have to be dynamic because the media landscape is always changing. I also believe having a positive attitude in any situation is a key factor to success.
💭 Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help! Things are always changing in healthcare PR, so it’s important to take the time to understand feedback you receive.
💭 Take the time to research your clients and understand their offerings. This helps lead to stronger, more confident recommendations.
💭 Embrace the challenges! Working in healthcare PR brings new challenges to solve every day. More importantly, having the opportunity to speak with patients whose lives have been changed by the client you’re working with is an incredible feeling that never gets old.
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